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I have never made crepes. Robin has and they are super. This morning she said for breakfast she wanted Ricotta and Fruit Crepes. Here is what I came up with …. under her direction! The filling: 1c Ricotta Cheese, 1/2 c fresh Blueberries, 1/2 c currents soaked in Elderflower Liquor and Lemon Zest. Mix altogether and let set for 15 minutes. Here is what the cooking process looked like. The recipe is attached to each photo.

People have asked if there is a difference between blintzes and crepes and if so, what is the difference. There isn’t much if a discrepancy as both items use the same ingredients and the cooking process and techniques are very similar. Crepes are generally cooked through on both sides whereas blintzes are only cooked on one side; reserving the uncooked side for fillings. Crepes and blintzes have the consistency of thin pancakes. Crepes originated from France. The word “Crepe” is derived from the Latin word “crispa” which means “curled”. The common ingredients used in crepes are wheat flour, eggs, milk, butter, and a pinch of salt. [challahmaidel.wordpress.com]

3 Eggs,m 1/2 c whole MIlk and 1/2 c AP Flour. Mix all together and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Place 3 T of batter in a med hot crepe pan.

3 Eggs,m 1/2 c whole Milk and 1/2 c AP Flour. Mix all together and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Place 3 T of batter in a med hot crepe pan.

Cook until bubbles appear or edges are brown.

Cook until bubbles appear or edges are brown.

Gently flip crepe and cook for another 30 seconds. Remove from pan. Cool. Fill with the fruit filling, or anything you wish. Envelope fold to seal crepe. Place in well buttered pan and cook until slightly brown. About 2 minutes on each side at most.

Gently flip crepe and cook for another 30 seconds. Remove from pan. Cool. Fill with about 2 T of the fruit filling, or anything you wish. Envelope fold to seal crepe. Place in well buttered pan and cook until slightly brown. About 2 minutes on each side at most.

Plate and top with some fresh berries and some of the filling. Dust with powdered sugar.

Plate and top with some fresh berries and some of the filling. Dust with powdered sugar.