You really can not have a good dinner without fresh bread. How about a baguette made from wheat and oat flour?

After braising and then baking for 1 1/2 hours, we end up with a delightful rabbit dinner!

And here is the dinner plated: Lapin à la Crème de Moutarde, Steamed Baby Carrots and Red Potatoes

Along with a small tasting of a delightful Oregon Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, we had an Idaho 2008 Snake River Chardonnay and a California 1978 Chalone Pino Blanc

And then to top all of this off a wonderful Black Current Fool, whipped cream, yogurt and mashed black currents. Thanks go to Gary and Sue Payne and Mairi Hand for setting this dinner up, hosting it and coming up with the original idea. The dinner was awesome! Cheers!